Sunday, May 3, 2020
Pride And Prejudice By Austen Essay Example For Students
Pride And Prejudice By Austen Essay Pride and Prejudice is one of the most popular novels written by Jane Austen. This romantic novel, the story of which revolves around relationships and thedifficulties of being in love, was not much of a success in Austens own time. However, it has grown in its importance to literary critics and readerships overthe last hundred years. There are many facets to the story that make reading itnot only amusing but also highly interesting. The reader can learn much aboutthe upper-class society of this age, and also gets an insight to the authorsopinion about this society. Austen presents the high-society of her time from anobservational point of view, ironically describing human behavior. She describeswhat she sees and adds her own comments to it in a very light and easy way. Shenever seems to be condescending or snubbing in her criticism but applies it in aplayful manner. This playfulness, and her witty, ironic comments on society areprobably the main reasons that make this novel still so enjoyable for readerstoday. Some rules and characteristics depicted in the story seem very peculiarand are hard to conceive by people of our generation. Nevertheless, thedescriptions of the goings-on in that society are so lively an d sparkling withirony that most people cannot help but like the novel. Jane Austen applies ironyon different levels in her novel Pride and Prejudice. She uses various means ofmaking her opinion on 18th century society known to the reader through her vividand ironic descriptions used in the book. To bring this paper into focus, I willdiscuss two separate means of applying irony, as pertaining to a select few ofthe books characters. The novel is introduced by an omniscient narrator,unknown to the reader, who describes and comments on the given situationsthroughout the novel. The narrator serves to represent and speak for Jane Austen,enabling her to aim her criticism not only through the characters, but also in amore direct fashion. She uses this unspecified person, who is outside of all thenovels action and gives explanations, as a medium of communication to presenther own opinion in an allusively open way. This narrator is the first means ofmaking ironic remarks. Through the narrator a certain mood is created thatprevails throughout the novel. The very first sentence of the novel shows thiswith the following sentence, It is a truth universally acknowledged, thata single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife(Pride and Prejudice, p. 3). The irony of this statement is the universalvalidity with which assumptions are made in that upper-class society. It isassumed that there is nothing else for a man of high rank to want but a wife tocomplete his possessions. Along with his money, land, riches etc. she acts asnothing more but another piece of property, which was a common attitude in thosedays. Austen manages to make the attitude towards matrimony upheld by this upperclass look rather ridiculous and incredible. Another ironic description isgiven, for instance, when Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst take care of the sickJane, who stays at their house. They present themselves as very affectionate andcaring friends to Jane. However, that does not stop them from talking very badabout Janes relations. The real ironic comment is that the narrator lets usreaders know that after those two ladies have finished bad mouthing Janessister Elizabeth and the rest of her family, they return to Jane (w)ith arenewal of tenderness (p. 27). These high-society women are well versed atputting others down and whimsically, and as they think wittily, insulting thecharacters of those who are of a lower class and Austen commentson it ironically by describing their behavior with irony. Through the narrator,Austen shows us how fickle this society is; being based on class and rank. Thenarrator exposes the vanities and its stupidity rather drastically. The commenton Aunt Phillips who would hardly have resented a comparison with thehousekeepers room (p. 56) of Rosings with her own living-room is soironically bitter that it even borders on being mean. These are only a fewexamples to show how the general ironic mood of the novel is created. The secondmeans of creating irony in the novel is through the particular use of thecharacters involved. Elizabeth Bennet is the main character of the novel and shehappens to be an acute observer, who likes to ponder about what she sees and whodares to make judgements. She usually speaks her mind but covers up the meaningof her statements with irony, in order not to offend the rules of conduct in hersociety. Elizabeth likes to play with peoples expectations, which she openlyadmits to Mr. Darcy in a scene where he wants to invite her to dance. Shedeclines his offer to dance with him with the following sentence: Youwanted me, I know, to say Yes, that you might have the pleasure of despisingmy taste; but I always delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, andcheating a person of their premeditated contempt. She admits that shelikes to upset peoples plots, in order to disappoint them and in turn derivepleasure from their disappointment. This mocking is a form of irony upsettingthe expected with a cou nteractive action. This example also shows very well howdifferent simple sentences sound to the different characters. Darcy merely askedElizabeth if she felt like dancing a reel and thought it to be a very nice andgentle offer. However, Elizabeth expects him to be hateful and condescending,therefore she always hears an implication of condescension etc. in conversationswith Darcy. Many dialogues between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy seem to be full ofimplications: they both have formed an opinion of the other and only view theothers statements only through their premeditated opinion. Those implicationscan give the reading of their conversations a very ironic and amusing touch,depending on what point of view the reader takes. There are so many differentways in which every single sentence can be interpreted that it is hard to tellwhether some sentences are really meant to be ironic or whether they are simplynormal sentences. If one takes Elizabeths point of view, some of Darcysstatements can certainly be interpreted as very ironic, meaning in this caseironic with the intention to humiliate. If these same statements are viewed,however, from Darcys perspective, they can also be very harmless or even nice. The Hungarian Edition Of Cosmopolitan EssayCollins. Mr. Bennet is certainly ironic about people and their behavior, but hisirony has an almost bitter undertone. One of his statements shows this when hesays about his neighbors, who are friends of his family, some of thegood-natured, gossiping Lucases. (p. 261). It becomes apparent, that hedoes not approve of the spreading gossip about his family. He shows this byopposing the character description of the Lucases as good-naturedand gossiping, which is of course a negatively loaded word. He isquite scornful about their behavior, and expresses his feelings covertly insteadof speaking his mind frankly. It is when Lydia elopes with Wickham, that heloses his calm ironic mood. He admits to Elizabeth that she was right when shewarned him not to be too liberal with his daughters, and that he had been toocareless in their upbringing. He says: Who should suffer but myself? Ithas been my own doing, and I ought to feel it. (p. 215). For a moment heloses his ironic mask and admits his own faults. But he knows himself wellenough to also add, No, Lizzy, let me once in my life feel how much Ihave been to blame. It will pass away soon enough. (p. 215). At thatpoint it becomes obvious that he usually guards himself with sarcasm simply totolerate the behavior and the foolishness around him. Only by being cynical, canhe survive in this household of silly and nerve-wrecking women like his wife andhis two youngest daughters. His fault, however, is that he never realized thatby allowing himself to simply be amused by peoples behavior, he has indirectlyencouraged and reinforced their behavior. Nevertheless, Mr. Bennet recovers soonfrom his moments of revelation and remorse and goes on with his usual way oflife. He even finds his humor again, so much as to write a letter to Mr. Collins, when it is resolved that Elizabeth will marry Mr. Darcy. He writes: I must trouble you once more for congratulations. (p. 277). This isclearly ironic, because congratulations for the marriage of Wickham and Lydiamust have been perceived as sheer mockery, or as congratulations for havingreduced the embarrassment as much as possible by legitimating theirrelationship. His comparison of this marriage with Elizabeths pleasant marriageis his cynical way of looking at the world. These are only a few examples of howAusten uses irony in Pride and Prejudice. There is much more to say about thistopic: this serves only as a brief discussion. BibliographyAusten, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Modern Library Edition, RandomHouse Inc., 1995.
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